Jeff Senk

Product Manager, Lead Developer, Starter

I believe that structure leads to freedom.

I believe that the best tools ennoble users and extend human capability, rather than enabling media addiction.

I believe the workplace of the future will be a flexible constellation of empowered individuals.

We are still in the early days of turning digital information into knowledge, both about the world and ourselves.



Listenly is a web and mobile platform that connects people with active listeners for instant, on-demand emotional support. Our mission is to make mental wellbeing accessible and affordable. I co-founded the company with Kyle Zamcheck and developed the core request engine, mobile and web apps, and real-time video and messaging systems.

In a former life I was a quantiative trader on Wall St. I established the Algorithmic Trading Group at Techemet Metal Trading, a prop shop located in Houston, TX.


The Labyrinth

I am interested in the structure of the internet, the future of work, and startups. The Labyrinth is my attempt to clarify and share my thinking on these interrelated topics through writing.


LinkedIn CV
